Active Ingredients and Antidiabetic Activity of Fenugreek: A Review Article

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Active Ingredients and Antidiabetic Activity of Fenugreek: A Review Article

1Saleh Ali Alqadoori, 2Farah Ali Dawood, 3Ali A. Al-fahham
1Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, Balad Technical Institute, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
2Department of Basic Science, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriah University, Baghdad, Iraq
3Corresponding Author, Faculty of Nursing, University of Kufa, Iraq


Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant extensively cultivated in Middle Eastern and South Asian countries where its seeds have been traditionally used as flavoring agents in food and in folk medicine for a variety of ailments, including diabetes. Its active ingredients include proteins, saponins, polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Extracts were found rich in different phytoconstituents, such as trigonelline, diosgenin, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, 3-hydroxyisoleucine, fenugreekine, saponins, and alkaloids, of which, 4-hydroxyisoleucine and saponins were focused as bioactive molecules. Fenugreek extracts and ingredients exhibit antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antihyperlipidemic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities. Even though fenugreek is known for its thrombolytic action, antidiabetic and hypocholesterolemic effects are often cited as its most important therapeutic effects. Furthermore, some of the active principles and hypoglycemic activity of fenugreek have been characterized and reported. The present article aims to provide an overview of the active ingredients and antidiabetic activity of fenugreek.



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