An Extensive Analysis of Liver Cirrhosis’s Genesis, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, And Diagnosis

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  • An Extensive Analysis of Liver Cirrhosis’s Genesis, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, And Diagnosis

An Extensive Analysis of Liver Cirrhosis’s Genesis, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, And Diagnosis

1Sara H.Thejeel, 2Assala Salam Jebur
1Department pharmacology,College of pharmacy, University of The-Qar,The-Qar,64001, Iraq
2University of Thi-Qar – College of Science


Portal hypertension and liver failure can arise as a result of liver cirrhosis, a chronic illness characterized by the fibrosis and renewal of nodules in the liver. A number of long-term conditions can lead to cirrhosis, a progressive disease. after a few years or perhaps decades. Liver cirrhosis is one public health concern. Metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, storage diseases, drug use, alcohol consumption, viral hepatitis, and toxic chemicals are the usual causes. Cirrhosis is the fourteenth most prevalent cause of death in adults. placing ninth overall and fourth in Europe and the US. Because this condition is symptomatic and often remains undiagnosed in its early stages, its frequency is underestimated. It typically progresses to the decompensated stage at a rate of 5 to 7% annually. Here, we discuss the pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and etiology of liver cirrhosis.



Liver cirrhosis; epidemiology; etiology; risk factors; pathophysiology.



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