Hellp’s Syndrome – Maternal Morbimortality, Clinical Case Report

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Hellp’s Syndrome – Maternal Morbimortality, Clinical Case Report

1 Karina Yesenia Calva Jirón, 2 Celsa Beatriz Carrión Berrú, 3 Ximena Patricia Carrión Ruilova, 4 María del Cisne Luzuriaga Moncada, 5 Camila Alejandra Armijos Calva
1,3Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Professor at the National University of Loja, Ecuador
2Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Professor at the National University of Loja, Ecuador.
4 Pharmaceutical Biochemist Fourth level. Biological analysis and laboratory diagnosis. Professor at the National University of Loja, Ecuador.

5Medical student at the National University of Loja. Loja, Ecuador.


Introduction: HELLP syndrome is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy associated with severe maternal-fetal complications and representing high morbidity and mortality.
Objective: A clinical history of HELLP syndrome as a complication of severe preeclampsia was analyzed, highlighting the importance of early detection and appropriate treatment.
Clinical case: A young 26-year-old multi-gestation patient from the city of Loja, with a family history of arterial hypertension, was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome and severe preeclampsia in the 33rd week of gestation after five prenatal check-ups and due to the severity of her condition, it was decided to terminate the pregnancy by cesarean section.
Conclusion: The importance and urgency of early identification and treatment of HELLP syndrome and its complications, highlighting the need for an individualized approach based on the patient’s laboratory studies and the importance of management in primary care and the patient’s care.



HELLP syndrome; severe preeclampsia; arterial hypertension; pregnancy; morbidity; mortality.


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