May 2024

Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2024

Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk of COVID-19 Infection

1*Ozdan Akram Ghareeb, 2Goljameen Midhat Abdulla, 3Awni Ismail Sultan
1,2Department of Pharmacy, Kirkuk Technical Institute, Northern Technical University, Iraq
3Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Iraq.


The Influence of Minor Surgical Intervention on Quality of Life in Third Molar Impaction Cases

1Erwid Fatchur Rahman, 2Erdianto Setya Wardhana, 3Hayyu Failasufa
1Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Unversitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
2Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Unversitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Unversitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia


Analysis Of Direct Medical Cost Of Insulin Treatment In Outpatient With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus On Payer Perspective

1Wahyudi Wahyudi , 2Ade Risma, 3Feby Ayu Putri, 4Munanda Andin, 5Juhri Panjaitan, 6Sultan Faqih
1,2,3,4,5,6Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Analysis of Direct Medical Costs on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outpatient with Cardiovascular Disease

1Wahyudi Wahyudi, 2Siti Nurhaliza Fardani, 3Vina Noura, Dyva Patricia Siahaan, 4Fifia El Zuhra, 5Azzahra Al Adawiyah
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Association Between High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease in Iraq: A Review

1*Noor I. Abdul-zahra, 2Zahraa k. Taiban
1Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques,Technical Institute/Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq
2Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques,Technical Institute/Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq


The Role of Cytokines in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Review Article

1Ahmed Hussein Zwamel, 2Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Assi, 3Shahlaa Kh. Chabuk, 4Irfan Abdulzahra Al- Khazaali, 5Maha Chasib Munshid, 6Ali A. Al-fahham
1Department Medical laboratory Technology, College of Medical Technology, The Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq.
2Department of Anesthesia Techniques, College of Health and Medical Techniques/ Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Iraq.
3Physiology department, Hammurabi medical college, Babylon university, Iraq.
4Department of adult nursing, college of nursing, University of Al-Qadisiyah
5College of Nursing, National University for Science and Technology, Thi-Qar, Iraq.
6*Faculty of nursing, University of Kufa, Iraq.


Levels Of Nutritional Adequacy And Bioavailability Of Iron With The Incident Of Anemia In Pregnant Women In Gorontalo City

1Husain Panggi, 2Sunarto Kadir, 3Vivien Novarina A. Kasim
1,2,3Department of Public Health, Postgraduate, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo City


The Relationship Between The Mother’s Role In Dental Care And The Status Of Oral Hygiene In Children In Peuniti Village, Banda Aceh City

1Reca Reca, 2*Hizir Sofyan, 3Poppy Andriany, 4Marthoenis Marthoenis
1Graduate School of Mathematics and Applied Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
2Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
3Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Syiah Kuala;
4Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;


The Challenge of Clinical and Surgical Management of An Acute Myocardial Infarction Simultaneously with An Acute Compressive Neurological Syndrome Due to Pituitary Adenoma: A Case Report

1Mirian Silva dos Santos, 1Samantha Cristiane Lopes, 1,2Márcio José Paes, 1Paola de Lima
1Medical Sciences Research Center: health investigations – NPCMed , Faculty of Medicine, University Center for the Development of Alto Vale do Itajaí – UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
2Alto Vale Regional Hospital – HRAV, Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil.