Volume 02 Issue 04 April 2023
Correlation of Parameters of Semen Analysis in Oligospermia in Infertility
1Dr. Sumaiyya Firdous,2Dr. Zeenath Begum,3Dr. Suresh Patil ,4Dr. Syeda Heena Kauser
1Postgraduate student Dept. of Pathology Faculty of medical sciences, Khaja Banda Nawaz University
2Professor and HOD, Dept. of Pathology Faculty of medical sciences, Khaja Banda Nawaz University
3Dept. of surgery Kalaburagi scanning and diagnostic center
4Assistant Professor Dept. of Pathology Faculty of medical sciences
1Ainnur Rahmanti,2Endro Haksara,3Suryo Ediyono
1,2STIKES Kesdam IV Diponegoro
3Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Challenge of Managing the Cocktail of Cardiac Arrhythmias Induced by Cocaine and Cannabis Poly-Drug Addiction: A Case Report.
1,4Karimou Bondabou Abdoul Wahab,2Amadou Daouda,1,4Sayarh Salma,3,4Bouzouba Otman, 1,4Nghomo YvesNoel, Doghmi Nawal, 1,4Ibtissam Fellat, 1,4Cherti Mohamed
1Service de Cardiologie B, CHU IBN SINA, Rabat, Morocco.
2Service de Chirurgie cardiovasculaire B, CHU IBN SINA, Rabat, Morocco.
3Service de cardiologie A, CHU IBN SINA, Rabat, Morocco.
4Mohammed V University, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Rabat, Morocco.
Is the Use of Probiotics in Premature Newborns Preventive for the
Development of Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
Study Carried Out in the Neonatal Units of Epic Latino, 2015 – 2020 Period
1Aguinaga Romero, Fernando. Md,1 Fajardo, Carlos. Md,1 Hoyos, Ángela. Md,3Terán,Enrique.Md,1Vásquez Hoyos, Pablo.Md ,2 Arcos Hidalgo, Mj. Md ,2Molina Gonzalez, Viviana. Md,2Salazar Venegas, Carla Gabriela. Md
1Epic Latino
2Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador
2Residents of the Pediatrics graduate program at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Hospital Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador
3Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador
Skin Burn After Applying Garlic Occlusion. A Case Report.