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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Reduction in Hba1c in an Adolescent Male with Type-2 Diabetes by Lifestyle Modification

1Dr J. V. Dixit,2Dr Shraddha Badgujar 1Professor, Department of Community Medicine, B. J. Medical college, Pune

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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Femoral neck anteversion, Neck shaft angle and Greater trochanter thickness – Anthropometric study and their Clinical implications

1Dr. Geeta Anasuya. D, 2Dr. M.Vijaianand , 3M Sobana, 4Dr. Sheela Grace Jeevamani MS 1Associate Professor,

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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Evaluation of the Activity of a Biologically Active Compound with Immunostimulating Properties in the Study Conditions

1Bakhriddin B. Muhammadjonov, 2Rustam R. Ganiev, 3Bakhodirjon T. Madvaliev, 4Usmonbek I. Urmonbekov, 5Otabek A. Ilmiyaminov 1Junior

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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Evaluation of the Effect on the Nervous System of Substances with an Alkaloid Structure Having Antitumor Activity

1Yu.R. Mirzaev, 2T.T. Khamroev, 3E.M. Ruzimov, 4B.N. Khandamov, 5B.B. Abduazimov, 6Sh.M. Adizov, 7P.Kh.Yuldashev, 8B.J.Elmuradov 1Candidate of

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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Water-Polymerisable Compositions “Epoxy Resin – Nanosilica – Mineral Fillers” for Out-Clinical Dental Prevention, and Self-Treatment of Carious and Traumatic Dental Damages

1,2D. Starokadomsky, 3M.Reshetnyk 1Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraina General

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  • 11 Mar, 2023

Mystery Turn of the Central Venous Catheter!

1Dr. Dipak A.S. Lodhe MD, 2Dr. Sachin N. Rathore MD, 3Ms Samai D Lodhe 1,2 Anaesthesiology,

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