Category: Uncategorized

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  • 17 May, 2024

Analysis of Direct Medical Cost of Insulin Treatment in Outpatient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Payer Perspective

1Wahyudi Wahyudi , 2Ade Risma, 3Feby Ayu Putri, 4Munanda Andin, 5Juhri Panjaitan, 6Sultan Faqih 1,2,3,4,5,6Faculty of

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  • 15 May, 2024

Exploring Health Information and Management System Trends Among Healthcare Workers at Kenyatta National Hospital

SALIM OMAMBIA Kenya Medical Training College, P.O. Box 30195-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. DOI : 10.58806/ijhmr.2024.v3i05n04 Google Scholar

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  • 14 May, 2024

The Influence of Minor Surgical Intervention on Quality of Life in Third Molar Impaction Cases

1Erwid Fatchur Rahman, 2Erdianto Setya Wardhana, 3Hayyu Failasufa 1Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Unversitas

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  • 11 May, 2024

Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk of COVID-19 Infection

1*Ozdan Akram Ghareeb, 2Goljameen Midhat Abdulla, 3Awni Ismail Sultan 1,2Department of Pharmacy, Kirkuk Technical Institute, Northern

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  • 29 Apr, 2024

Intravaginal Practices and Chlamydia Trachomatis and Candida Albican Infection: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Women from Various Regions Residing in The City of Yaoundé- Cameroon

1,2Akwah Lilian, 1,2Maboulou Valerie, 1,2Mohamadou Mansour, 1,3Toukap Miliane, 1,2Ngoutane Aicha, 1,2Djoulde Ibrahima, 1,2Enama Franck,4Verhima Adamou, 1Ngonde

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