1Masharg Hamid Mohammed Salih, 2Dr. Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad
1Ph D candidate Karary university Sudan.
2Associate professor of MSN faculty of nursing Fezzan University Libya
Introduction: Hypertension nowadays is a major community health problem. It is high prevalence, which becomes an important area of research, which is also a major possibility for circulatory diseases and other complications. The study aims to Adherence of diet among Hypertensive patients at Khartoum State – Sudan (2021-2024).
Methodology: hospital-based longitudinal surveillance study carried out among 203 patients with hypertension, who admitted/attended to Khartoum Governmental hospitals during the period from 2022 year. Data collected through direct interviewed questionnaire, Analysis was done by using SPSS 26.0 version software, descriptive statistics with the use of frequency and percentages, inferential statistics with Chi-square test, and P value ≤ 0.05 considered as significant.
Results: Majority of them 79(38.9%) within age group >50 years, 131(64.5%) were male, 141(69.5%) were married. The duration of hypertension was 1 – 5 years in majority. Controlled blood pressure was reported in 59(29.1%). The overall patients knowledge regarding hypertension disease in majority 81(39.9%) was poor, followed by 63(31%) was fair, and 59(29%) was good. Diet adherence was poor in majority 117(57.6%), and good in 26(12.8%). Regarding follow up, 89(43.8%) had regular follow up. Most of patients with good diet were had normal blood pressure or first stage hypertension. (p value=0.021). Exercise adherence was associated with patients age (P value= 0.001), marital status (P value= 0.001), and education level (P value= 0.009). Stage e of hypertension was not associated with good patients exercise. (P value=0.339).
Conclusion: Patients with good knowledge are more likely to adhere to their medication regimen, and good dietary adherence is significantly associated with better blood pressure control, this emphasizing the importance of educational interventions and indicating that dietary management is crucial for hypertension control.
hypertension, diet, physical activity, adherence, blood pressure, knowledge, anti-hypertension medications.
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