Background: Plaque is formed by various bacterial microorganisms, one of them is Streptococcus mutans which is
attached to both tooth surface and acrylic plate through polymers between the bacterial matrix and salivary components, which can
cause inflammation of the mucosa, namely denture stomatitis, and angular cheilitiswhich has the potential to cause more serious
problems. complex. Green tea(Camellia sinensis) is herbal plant that is reported to have anti-bacterial activity.
Objective : To determine the effect of immersion in green tea with a concentrationof 20%, green tea with a concentration of 50% and the difference
in concentration between the two on reducing the number of Streptococcus mutans bacteria on heatcured acrylic resin denture plates.
Materials and Methods : This study is an experimental laboratory and uses the pre test and post test method in a control group. The
samples were 27 acrylic specimens measuring 10x10x2mm3 which were divided into 3 working groups, namely distilled water,
brewed green tea with20% content and brewed green tea with 50% content, each of which was 9specimens. Each sample will be
soaked for 15 minutes, the number of colonies is counted and analyzed.
Results: The ANOVA statistical test showed a significant
difference between all treatment groups resulting in a p-value smaller than 0.05.
Conclusion: Green tea infusion with a concentration
of 50% had a significant effectcompared to a concentration of 20% on the number of Streptococcus mutans bacteria on a heat cured
acrylic resin denture base.
Heat cured acrylic resin, Green tea, Antibacterial, Streptococcus mutans
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