Volume 02 Issue 02 February 2023
Risk of Development of ROP in Premature Infants Born at Different Heights in Latin America and Its Consequences with their Gestational age
1Aguinaga Romero, Fernando. Md, 1Fajardo, Carlos. Md,
2Flores Santy, Karina.Md,1Hoyos, Ángela. Md,
3Terán, Enrique.Md, 1Vásquez Hoyos, Pablo.Md
1Villegas, Carolina.Md,2Zurita Játiva, Andrés. Md
Clival Metastasis from Primary Cervical Carcinoma- Rare Lesion
1Dr. Yogesh Mankar, 2Dr. Hrushikesh Kharosekar,
3Prof. Vernon Velho
1,2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Sir J J group of Hospitals and Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India
3Prof & Head, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Sir J J group of Hospitals and Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India
The Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty among Nursing Students in Kenya Medical Training Colleges in Western Province, Kenya
Emily Machuma Walumbe Wamalwa
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD), Department Of Nursing Research, Education & Management Kibabii University
Comparison of Visual Evaluation vs. Lactate and Base Deficit in Obstetric Hemorrhagic Shock.
1Maira Fernanda Hernández-Albino, 1Patricia Alejandra González-Rodríguez
1Paula Cecilia RodríguezVillalobos, 1Dalia L. Gómez-Aguilar
1Alejandro Collí-Chan, 2Alejandro Lenin Villalobos-Rodríguez
3Guillermo Padrón Arredondo
1Residents Ob-Gyn, Service of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Hospital General de Playa del Carmen
2Ob-Gyn, Service of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Hospital General de Playa del Carmen, ORCID: 0000-0001-8410-0209
3General Surgeon, Service of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Hospital General de Playa del Carmen
1Paula Cecilia RodríguezVillalobos, 1Dalia L. Gómez-Aguilar
1Alejandro Collí-Chan, 2Alejandro Lenin Villalobos-Rodríguez
3Guillermo Padrón Arredondo