Ali Y. Khudhair
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University 31001 / Technical Engineering Najaf Collage / Department of Healthy Physics and Radiation Therapy Technical Engineering
This research aimed to explore the identification of the Phenotype and genotype of Debaryomyces species isolated from patients with diabetic foot in Al-Najaf City. Samples were collected from the depths of wounds in diabetic foot patients, ensuring aseptic precautions were taken, and then cultured on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar, followed by incubation at 30-35 °C for a duration of 5-7 days to promote growth. The identification of colonies was based on their microscopic characteristics. Subsequently, these yeasts were grown in chrome agar to isolate and identify Debaryomyces spp. A PCR technique was conducted to magnify the ITS1 and ITS4 sequences for the diagnosis of Debaryomyces spp., and the PCR products were exposed to sequencing using the Sanger method. All samples isolated were grown on SDA, and when utilizing CHROMagar differential agar. The findings indicated various molecular sizes of the ITS region for Debaryomyces spp., with the primer pair (ITS1-ITS4) targeting these ITS regions for the same sample. The products of PCR were dispatched to Macrogen Lab in the USA, where one sample of replicated products of PCR (both reverse and forward strands) was analyzed. The sequences in the current study were then matched with reference global sequences. It can be concluded that Debaryomyces species emerge as the most prevalent fungal pathogens associated with life-threatening invasive infections in highly immunocompromised individuals or those who have had major trauma and prolonged stay in the intensive care units. They occupy the fourth place as the most common agents of nosocomial-acquired bloodstream infections in hospitals.
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