Assala Salam Jebur
College of Science, University of Thi-Qar , Al-Nasyria, Iraq
Diabetes mellitus has been widely-spread disorder worldwide and it causes a high level of pressure on services provided by health centers. The outcomes of patient can be greatly enhanced by early detection to overcome serious consequences. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) can be utilized to evaluate blood glucose level control over the last three to six months and establish efficient therapeutic strategy. The HbA1c levels can also be utilized to control glycemic levels in pregnant women suspected with diabetes mellitus. Anyhow, by increasing usage of HbA1c in laboratory work, it has been clearly recognized that non-glycemic factors may also have impact on glycated hemoglobin. This review cast a light on the principles of detection methods, pathophysiology and clinical significance of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).
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