1I Wayan Gara, 2Herlina Jusuf, 3Sylva Flora Ninta Tarigan
1Department of Public Health, Postgraduate, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo City, Indonesia
Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation, which are then analyzed using qualitative data based on the Miles and Huberman concept. The research results show that the Implementation of Health Operational Assistance Fund Management in Achieving Minimum Service Standards at the Modo Community Health Center, Bukal District, Buol Regency, was studied from: a). Planning, b). Implementation, c). Monitoring and evaluation have been carried out but have yet to be optimal. In the planning aspect, it only involves some stakeholders. Apart from that, the elements of implementing cross-sector collaboration are not running well, program implementation is not based on characteristics of needs, so it has not yet achieved the SPM, and monitoring and evaluation are still low, which is limited to the quality of the presentation of financial reports. The determining factors for implementing the management of Health Operational Assistance Funds in Achieving Minimum Service Standards at the Modo Community Health Center, Bukal District, Buol Regency were studied from: a). Policy standards and targets, b). Communication, c). Resources, and d). Socio-economic conditions have been implemented but are still not optimal from policy standards and targets that are not per policy content as well as the absence of SOPs, the lack of quality of human resources related to the management of BOK funds, the aspects of communication, coordination, and socialization between cross-sectors are still lacking, and conditions socio-economic conditions are not yet optimally supported because the mindset of rural communities is still strongly influenced by the beliefs and customs of local communities.
Policy, Management of Health Operational Assistance Funds, Minimum Service Standards
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