Offell Illness of Cytokinins in Chronic Kidney Disease

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Offell Illness of Cytokinins in Chronic Kidney Disease

1 Eswara Rao Potagani, 2Dr. D. Raja Rajeshwari, 3D Lakshmi Lalitha, 4 Dr. R. Viswa Kumar, 5 Dr. M. Prasad Naidu
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Great Eastern Medical School & Hospital, Srikakulam, A.P.
2 Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Narayana Medical College, Nellore.
3 Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Great Eastern Medical School & Hospital, Srikakulam, A.P
4 Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Narayana Medical College, Nellore.
5 Government medical college pulivendhula Anfhrapradesh


Introduction: The mortality rate in persistent kidney disease conditions is progressing gradually. The thirst for early disease identification is quite interesting in the research.
Aim: The current learning is intended to explore the novel association of inflammatory markers with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Procedures: We conducted this cross-sectional experimental education for three years. We enrolled 400 cases and 50 controls in the education. We obtained knowledgeable consent by grouping all the participants into 4 groups based on the stages of CKD. After completing the biochemical measurements, we used the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to determine the levels of highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFA), and Interleukine (IL-6). The results were tabulated, statistical analysis was performed and p<0.05 was found to be substantial.
Results: The participants were divided into 54 males and 52 females during the unkind phase. 235 were males, and 165 were females. We found that CKD patients had higher levels of urea and creatinine than the controls. We found TNFA and IL6 to be significant, with P = 0.0001.
Conclusion: Our findings proved novel associations of hCRP, TNFA, and IL6 with Chronic kidney disease.



disease, inflammation, c-reactive protein


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