Pathogenic Bacteria Associated With Acute Appendicitis: A Review Article

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Pathogenic Bacteria Associated With Acute Appendicitis: A Review Article

1Khalid Kani Jasim, 2Juman Oday Sabri, 3Mariam Akeel, 4Ali A. Al-fahham
1Office of Shiite endowment, Department of Religion Education and Humanistic Studies, Iraq
2Hammurabi College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
3Medical Laboratory Techniques Department, College of Medical Technology, Islamic University of Najaf , Iraq
4Faculty of Nursing, University of Kufa, Iraq



Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal emergencies, yet the cause is still not clearly understood. The most accepted theory is based on luminal obstruction, but obstructive fecaliths are found in only a portion of the patients. In fact, the bacterial etiology of appendicitis may be more common than fecal-foreign body. Literature was searched for studies that isolated bacteria from the appendix using either culturing techniques or molecular techniques and were case-control in nature. The main scope of this review is to provide an overview of the studies conducted regarding the role of bacteria in the causation of appendicitis, as well as to review recent molecular studies.



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