Pathophysiology and Potential Clinical Significance of Il-5: A Review Article

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Pathophysiology and Potential Clinical Significance of Il-5: A Review Article

1 Noor Jamal Mohammed, 2Ali A. Al-fahham

1 Department of Basic Science, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriah University, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Faculty of Nursing, University of Kufa, Iraq


Interleukins belong to the group of cytokines that play a key role in immune system cell signaling. Among them, Interleukin-5 (IL-5) gains paramount significance in the regulation of eosinophils, which are thinly scattered in most allergic as well as inflammatory conditions, especially asthma. A biochemical characterization of IL-5 is a prerequisite for understanding the basic aspects of its function and finding a precise treatment. Interleukin-5 (IL-5) is a critical cytokine that primarily drives the development and differentiation of eosinophils and B cells, playing a key role in the allergic response and the pathogenesis of asthma. Therefore, the knowledge of its biochemical structure is a prerequisite for any plan to develop targeted therapies for eosinophilia-related diseases. The clinical relevance of interleukins resides in their regulatory capabilities of immune responses, with an ever-growing recognition in diverse pathologies such as allergic manifestations, autoimmune diseases, or neoplastic processes. Interleukins in clinical application should be the focus of research, specifically IL-5, synthesizing observable from the latest related studies and knowledge deficits that should entice future research in the same line. This paper, therefore, gives a review based on already existing research findings concerning the biochemical structure of IL-5.


Biochemistry, Pathophysiology, Clinical Importance, IL-5


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