Review Article: Cupping Therapy in Treatment of Certain Diseases

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Review Article: Cupping Therapy in Treatment of Certain Diseases

1Safa Khudair, 2Lubna Faisal Hussein, 3Shahad Imad Hameed, 4Saif Ali Mohammed Hussein
1,2,3Department of Biology, College of Sciences, University of Baghdad, Baghdad. Iraq
4MedicaL laboratory Techniques. Dijlah University College


The research undertaken has provided a comprehensive insight into the practice of cupping therapy, a traditional treatment modality that has seen resurgence in. modern complementary medicine. This exploration, focusing on a spectrum of. Conditions such as migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, knee osteoarthritis, and chronic urticaria, highlights the potential benefits and the necessity for a deeper. Scientific understanding of cupping therapy.
Cupping therapy, with its roots deeply embedded in ancient medical practices, offers a unique approach to treatment by promoting healing through increased blood flow and the release of toxins from the body. The application of this therapy in treating migraines has shown promising results, suggesting a decrease in the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes, thus offering an alternative for individuals seeking relief from this debilitating condition. Similarly, in the context of musculoskeletal pain such as lower back pain and neck pain, cupping therapy has been reported to improve patient outcomes by reducing pain and enhancing mobility. This is particularly significant in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, where the potential for non-pharmacological intervention can provide relief to those suffering from the chronic pain associated with this condition.
The current landscape of evidence supporting cupping therapy, while growing, highlights a gap in high-quality, randomized controlled trials that can provide definitive conclusions on its efficacy and safety. As such, this research emphasizes the importance of integrating traditional practices with modern scientific rigor. Developing a clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying cupping therapy, alongside comprehensive evaluations of its clinical applications, is essential for its acceptance within the broader medical community.
In conclusion, the journey of rediscovering and validating the benefits of cupping therapy as a complementary treatment option represents an exciting frontier in the integration of traditional and modern medicine. By fostering a holistic approach to health that respects both historical wisdom and contemporary scientific standards, we can enrich the therapeutic options available to patients. The promise of cupping therapy, coupled with a commitment to rigorous research, holds the potential to enhance patient care and wellbeing in a manner that is both innovative and deeply rooted in history.


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