The Relationship Between Dysmenorrhea Pain and Learning Activities in Nursing Students

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The Relationship Between Dysmenorrhea Pain and Learning Activities in Nursing Students

1 Ria Angelina, 2Sari Sarce, 3Pipit Pratiwi
1,2,3Immanuel Institute of Health, West Java, Indonesia


Dysmenorrhea is pain felt in the lower abdomen during menstruation due to an imbalance of prostaglandin hormones.Learning activities are student activities in the learning process, both physical activities and psychological activities. One factor that can interfere with learning activities is the level of dysmenorrhea pain. Learning requires a healthy physique, because it will affect body tissues so that learning activities are also good, while physical pain will cause fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, dizziness, etc.WHO (World Health Organization) says the incidence of dysmenorrhea is 1,769,425 people, almost (90%) women experience dysmenorrhea. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between dysmenorrhea pain levels and learning activities in female nursing students at the Immanuel Health Institute.The study was conducted in 2023 using a quantitative approach. The design of this study was Cross sectional with a population of 256 students and a sample of 68 female students using proportional stratified random sampling technique. The results of the analysis found that more than half (73.5%) of female students had their learning activities disrupted and obtained a significant P-value of 0.02<0.05 which means there is a relationship between the level of dysmenorrhea pain and learning activities at the Immanuel Health Institute. Suggestions in this study are the need for relaxation techniques to divert pain for students with various techniques such as deep breathing, listening to music and other non-pharmacological therapies.



dysmenorrhea, learning activity


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