1Imam Subeki, 2Imelda Aqhna Ariyani
1,2 Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Keperawatan Poltekkers Kemenkes Malang
Dissatisfaction with health services is a situation where consumer expectations are not the same or higher than the performance received from the service (Kotler and Keller, 2018). Factors that can cause patient dissatisfaction in the Emergency Room (IGD) are the staff’s less communicative attitude and slow response time where patients are not treated quickly. Nurses’ communication skills and fast response time are important in-patient satisfaction (Karin, 2018). The satisfaction felt by patients is closely related to the services provided by nurses in the ER (Dewi, 2019). If needs are not met, consumers may switch to other services (Linda, 2018).
Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Southeast Asia Region in 2019, it shows that around 45% of health service users were satisfied with the services provided, around 55% stated they were dissatisfied with the services provided (Septiadi, 2019). Dissatisfaction with health services in Indonesia in 2019 reached 28.76% (RI Ministry of Health, 2019). In East Java Province, emergency room patient dissatisfaction in 2019 reached 34.70% (East Java Health Office, 2019). According to the 2019 Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health Regulations, the Minimum Service Standard for patient satisfaction is above 95%. If health services are found with a satisfaction level below 95%, it is considered that the services provided do not meet minimum standards, and the level of patient satisfaction is low (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2019).
The results of Virgo’s research (2018) in the emergency room at Bangkinang Regional Hospital regarding the relationship between response time for emergency room services for 98 respondents, the results showed that there was a relationship between response time and the level of patient satisfaction. Likewise, the results of Karame & Husain’s (2019) research on the Relationship between Nurse Response Time and Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Room at Sanana Hospital on 38 respondents, the results show that there is a relationship between Nurse response time and Patient Satisfaction. This shows that response time in the ER has an impact on patient satisfaction with the services provided. Kusumo’s research (2017) in the emergency room at Yogjakarta Regional Hospital found that nurses’ therapeutic communication had an effect on patient satisfaction in the emergency room. Research by Meikayanti et al (2020) regarding the relationship between nurses’ therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction at the Tabanan Regency Regional Hospital with a total of 67 respondents, with the results that there was a relationship between nurses’ therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction. Muninjaya (2004) states that communication is a factor that influences patient satisfaction. Therapeutic communication is the process of providing advice to patients to support planned healing efforts, where information is given well and patient complaints are handled quickly by nurses. However, no research has yet been conducted that combines response time and therapeutic communication of nurses in the Emergency Room with patient satisfaction. Based on this, researchers are interested in conducting research on the relationship between response time and nurses’ therapeutic communication skills on patient satisfaction, especially in the emergency room installation at Lavalette Hospital of Malang City.
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