Potential Extract of Lerak Fruit (Sapindus Rarak), Pegagan (CentellaAsiatica,) Mimba Seed (Azadirachta Indica A.Juss) and Mixing of Third Extract to Motility and Viability of Spermatozoa Guinea Pigs (CaviaPorcellus)

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  • Potential Extract of Lerak Fruit (Sapindus Rarak), Pegagan (CentellaAsiatica,) Mimba Seed (Azadirachta Indica A.Juss) and Mixing of Third Extract to Motility and Viability of Spermatozoa Guinea Pigs (CaviaPorcellus)

Potential Extract of Lerak Fruit (Sapindus Rarak), Pegagan (CentellaAsiatica,) Mimba Seed (Azadirachta Indica A.Juss) and Mixing of Third Extract to Motility and Viability of Spermatozoa Guinea Pigs (CaviaPorcellus)

1Sukarjati, 2Erni Widyaswati, 3 Intan Ayu Pramusinta,4Asti Rahayu
1,2,3,4Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya. Indonesia

Background: Spermicides are substances that can kill spermatozoa. Spermicide circulating in the community contains Nonoxynol9 which, if used for a long time, can irritate the vaginal mucosa and penis. Indonesia has a variety of plants that have the potential to act as anti-fertility, including Sapindus rarak, Centella asiatica, and Azadirachta indica. 

Objective: This study aim to evaluate extract Sapindus rarak, Centella asiatica, and Azadirachta indica. and mixing of third etract to motility and viability of spermatozoa
Guinea pigs.

Methods: The sample of this research was 15 guinea pig spermatozoa, 3-4 months old male guinea pigs taken from the cauda epididymis and vas deferens. Guinea pigs were divided into 5 group treatments with each group treatment incubated for 1, 10, and 30 minutes and repeated each for 5 times. The treatments in this study is control, 200 μl of spermatozoa suspension + 50 μl of Sapindus rarak fruit pulp extract 0.9%; 200 μl of spermatozoa suspension + 50 μl of gotu kola extract 0.9%; 200 μl of
spermatozoa suspension + 50 μl of 0.9% neem seed extract; 200 μl of spermatozoa suspension + 50 μl of the third mixture extract 0.9%. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD). The observations in this study were the motility of guinea pig spermatozoa categories a + b and the viability of guinea pig spermatozoa using a microscope. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using One Way ANOVA. The results of this study indicated that the administration of extract Sapindus rarak, Centella asiatica, and Azadirachta indica and a mixture of the three extracts had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the motility of guinea pig spermatozoa categories a + b and viability of guinea pig spermatozoa. 

Conclution: This study concludes that the mixture of the three extracts has more potential in reducing the motility of spermatozoa categories a + b and the viability of guinea pig spermatozoa compared to single extracts. The mixture of the three extracts may contribute for reduce quality of sperm.



Lerak Extract (Sapindus rarak), Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Extract, Mimba Seed Extract (Azadirachta indica
A.Juss), Spermatozoa guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), Motility, Viability



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